Free self ticketing app for running a private car park yourself.

National Parking Control provide an app available for download on either Apple’s app store or Google’s Play Store which is not only a free service, but you will even receive 15% compensation for every paid parking ticket!

This service has been designed for car park areas where any authorised parking is permitted and enables the registered app user to issue parking charges, via the app, the app is designed to specifically manage a range of parking contraventions including: permit parking, no parking at anytime, overstaying a maximum stay period and disabled bays.

Key benefits

  • Easy to use Smartphone App
  • IPC Compliant Signage provided
  • Issue at your discretion
  • No incorrectly issued PCNs
  • 100% discreet and anonymous
  • Complete control of your car park

You can earn 15% compensation from every paid ticket.

To get started download the NPC app.

Take complete control of your car park with the NPC self ticketing app

To get started download the app from the Google Play store / Apple App store or contact us today to get further information and help from one of our expert car park advisers.

How it works

Download National Parking Control App

Install our Self-Ticketing App by visiting either the Android or Apple App Store. You can easily find it by searching for 'iticket – NPC' within the app store or by clicking the links provided below.

Receive Signage

Your free parking signage will be delivered straight to your address. Install the signs around your premises and use the app to mark their locations on a map for reference.

Start Issuing Tickets and earn compensation

Once your signage has been installed, you can commence issuing parking tickets through the self-ticketing app. Our dedicated team is available to assist you in getting started. Plus, for each paid ticket, you will receive £15 in compensation.

Issue a PCN in 4 easy steps...


Record Vehicle Details
Capture the vehicle registration of the offending vehicle by using the app.


Photographic Evidence
Photograph the offending vehicle, and our app will automatically apply a time and date stamp to the images.


Send PCN
With just a click of a button, you can effortlessly submit the PCN to our team for processing.


PCN Posted to Offender
We'll handle the PCN processing, obtain keeper details from the DVLA, and send the PCN in the post.

To get started download the NPC app.

Contact us to see how we can help

Please complete the form below and one of our expert car park adviser will be in touch
to discuss your requirements and arrange a free car park survey.

By submitting this form, you are confirming that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy and consent to your data being processed and used for the purpose of reviewing and responding to this enquiry.